How to understand what fat does when you eat it. Which fat helps you and which fat hurt you? It baffles many. There are different kinds of fat. Most of them are bad for us. Most oils have omega 6 which is bad. Omega 6 comes from vegetable oil and animal fat. So what happens when you eat fat.: most oils are guest workers not working.

 When you want to lose fat you overload yourself with an omega six. Omega six is an essential fatty acid and so a lot of supplements will sell themselves saying this is essential. It means you need to eat it. That's true. But most people get so much of it because they're either eating animal products that have animal fat in them or they have omega-six or they're eating things that have vegetable oils like processed food or using vegetable oils like soybean oil or canola oil.

 Any kind of vegetable oil you can think of all that has an omega six in it which is driving disease and obesity.Also because it's inflammatory it causes inflammation directly which causes disease and causes obesity. So you don't want to eat things that have that. Some people have been using supplements that have omega 3 and 6 and 9. Guess what you don't want is that you don't want to add more omega-6 to your diet. It's going to work against you.

Omega six and animal fats what they do when you consume them. What happens when you put them in your body? they cause disease and they cause obesity which is why you want to avoid them. Yes, when you're trying to lose fat guess what you don't want to add more omega-6 to your diet. It's going to work against you.

Now another oil that people are bringing up is this coconut oil. Coconut oil is saturated fat. Now saturated fat in animal products causes inflammation just like an omega six. But coconut oil does not cause good inflammation. The problem is that they've done studies looking at Coconut oil because there are a lot of people who sell coconut oil who say it's really good for healing disease and all this stuff. 

A lot of research is done on it and what they've shown is that it's not working for healing disease. But what it does is the same as butter does. It increases your cholesterol almost as well as butter does. So you're not doing your body any favors if you're drinking coconut oil. But when they tried to use it in studies looking at Alzheimer's disease and other diseases what they found is no benefit. So at worst you're increasing your cholesterol which increases your risk of stroke and heart attack.

 In the end, it is not doing you any good. Don't add coconut oil to your smoothies or your diet.No coconut oil is great tropically. You can use it to keep mosquitoes away. There was one study that suggested it might be helpful with head lice. It is a great conditioner for your hair and beneficial for your skin glow. There is no proven health benefit of it and there's a good possibility that it could hurt you.


So what about the one fat that you can consume in your smoothies? One fat that is suggested is omega 3 from flax seeds and chia seeds. Why flax and chia because they have more omega 3 than omega 6. Other fats do have omega 3 but they might have more omega 6 in them which is not required by our body. Omega 3 is anti-inflammatory while omega 6 is inflammatory. Omega 3 fight disease, fight inflammation and help you to lose weight. So when you take a large amount of omega 3 on purpose you accelerate healing and lose fat and increase metabolism.

Many people asked about calories in a half cup of flax seeds or chia seeds They say it is more than your daily allowance of fat according to rules made by people. Assuming that everything you eat burns for energy or store for fat. That is not true. 

The fat from flax seed does not turn into fat on your butt or fat on your gut if you eat too much of them, it becomes cells in your body. They don't get burned for energy. Flax becomes cells of your body necessary for cell membrane which help cell function better and respond better. They also become neurons the cell in your brain which means your brain functions better making you happier and increasing your memory too. So fat from flax seed and chia seed become part of our body, become part of cells in our body, not fat in our body. Making us fitter and stronger. With more omega-3 fat consumption more rapidly you lose weight and increase the healing process. So only fat you can consume at a high level is flax seeds and chia seeds.


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