Five steps to strengthen a weakened immune system naturally


   Steps to strengthen a weakened immune system

How do you boost the immune system?
How do you take care of the immune system?
How do you make sure that your immune system doesn't get compromised?

I'll be sharing here about all of that hack how do we optimize the immune system.I mean if you think about the way we're living in our life today our modern world is such an assault to our immunity that most people don't even recognize that most people just living a standard sort of quote normal life.They just don't understand how toxic that lifestyle is.

We all should know how to use five easy steps to improve our lives,flow of Immune system and overall health.

  1. No one is deep breathing.In our daily routine life when we look around we see people don't breathe.Especially if they're reading a book. If they're concentrating on something where they're doing their checkbook or researching something on a computer.I have seen this happen with myself because I'm mostly on a computer,researching material and I barely breathe.And if we're not breathing then we're not moving waste out of our body.It's called intra thoracic pressure meaning when you take a deep breath you actually move fluid through your body out of your brain out of your eyes out of your organs and out of your skin and bones.So deep breathing.
  2. The next step is daily exercise.Five hundred million cells die in our body every day. That's a lot of cellular waste.Remember our body is always replicating so there's always cellular waste every day.So if we don't move our blood vigorously every day even for 15 minutes.Then we're filling with waste.And if that happens over days weeks months and years then the body could become very toxic. It's not about doing an hour or two hours worth of exercise.It really is the simplicity of moving your body just moving your arms over your head and even dancing.Go round here.Dance a little bit you know get your arms moving. That is exercise. And make it every day.If you want to lose weight you've got to do 15 minutes twice a day. Lean on your counter-top and do some push-ups.Crunches are very good at stimulating the 2 to 300 lymph nodes in our abdomen and chest which will help propel lymph flow. So some exercise every day. Don't miss it.All right.
  3. The next thing is hydration.Our lymph system is over 90 percent water.Our body is 60 to 70 percent water.So when we become slightly dehydrated our lymphatic system becomes a dry riverbed and can't clean us and waste builds in our body.
  4. The next thing is good posture we never think about this but if we slouch just a little bit we stop our lens system.So when we stand straight we correct this plumbing system.We straighten it out and everything flows better.You can actually feel it in your body slouch. You'll feel backed up especially in your abdomen.We're stopping our sternum three vessels in our abdomen that must drain our lower body. So that when we slouch we stop this and this can make acid waste building our intestines and so many people have digestive issues.So posture is very important to many young children who are standing around slouching.And that actually can allow fluid to build up in their brain and body.So be aware of your posture.When you're sitting sit straight,if you're in your car raise your mirror up so you have to sit up a little bit straighter but don't slouch it really does stop our lymphatic system.
  5. Last thing is really about balance P H.P H is about percent hydrogen.It's very important that we understand are we acid or alkaline.If we have more hydroxide which is hydrogen and oxygen then we move into the alkaline side.It's really about acid or Alpha ring balance.But this is something that we can check and we want to check.By using a P H test strip. It's a very simple strip you can get in most health food stores.


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